Sunday, September 6, 2020

Those who Worship Moloch

And so, America's covid deaths per capita is now above Sweden’s.

Of course, we are dealing with totally made up numbers, and none of them actually mean anything. However, as is usual when dealing with this sort of fiction, lies aren’t predictive. If there’s any arbitrary standard by which the numbers must adhere, it will eventually contradict the narrative. Even if the authorities are allowed to completely fictionalize everything, there will be inconsistencies as a result. That is, whether the smartest human or the most powerful supercomputer, actually developing, ex-nihilo, a consistent set of physical, biological, and psychological laws, with which to simulate a living universe at full scale, is impossible.

On the other hand, physical law is reliable, stable. No matter how much you investigate it, it will never produce even a single contradiction.

There’s a class of problems, wherein an assertion can be disproven, but cannot be proven. Of course the reverse is also possible. But, for instance, if masks reduce the spread of a virus, then masks must always, and in every case, reduce the spread of that virus. They cannot magically prevent viral spread in Australia but not Hawaii.

The counterargument is that masks, in combination with other policies, XYZ. This can be dismissed, as the other policies aren’t diverse either.

The next counterargument is that Australians are magical, so it works for them. This can be dismissed as Australians and Brits are virtually identical.

And there probably is a way to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The problem is, the theories pushed by the experts don’t work.

These experts were so sure of their theories, that they were willing to commit mass murder, nuke the economy, and burn the book of law.

And they were wrong.

When a model asserts, with such certainty that it’s willing to stake everything on its correctness, to do anything in the name of its cause, it’s not acceptable for it to be wrong. Because, then, it isn’t simply the method of application or the arrangement of the data, but the very essence of the model that must be wrong.

This is not a matter of incorrect application of variables. It’s not faulty math or incorrect assumptions. The very essence from which the model was woven is wrong. That is to say, the people who made the model are evil.

People don’t imagine themselves to be evil, even malicious. These experts truly thought they were saving lives. At first. Those who built the virus, those who sought to stop its spread. They thought themselves great and noble men as they began their crusade.

However, when confronted with the consequences of their action, they didn’t admit their error. In order to maintain the facade of credibility, of infallibility, they must lie and lie again, such that a single moment of incompetence, becomes an unending chain of malice. Until the actor forgets the very principle for which he joined the crusade, wherein power becomes an end of itself, wherein glory becomes a drive independent of external good, that what remains ceases to be anything that is not malice, that the purpose becomes indistinguishable from that which is nothing but malice.

And thus, these men, believing themselves superior, believing in their own superiority, observe the very reason that was supposed to grant them such superiority disproven, and so, grant the concept of their own superiority direct utility outside of any other good, and with nothing left to restrain them, make their own superiority the one and only purpose of their action, and so, create an identity of themselves which is that which is evil, no less so than the petty thug or insidious conman.

And so, who are these experts?

Sometimes they call themselves scientists. In earlier ages they would call themselves priests. Before even then, oracles, prophets, magicians, even gods.

They are those who have obtained the power of miracles.

From the blood of gods, from the word of god, from the books of science.

Yet, even with this godly blood, even with the holy writ, even with the laws of math and physics, those who are not of the holy coven find themselves incapable of working miracles.

The answer given is as always, the holy word is indecipherable to all but the blessed. Expertise may only be recognized by an expert. Expertise may only be granted by an expert. Expertise may even be stripped away by the hands of other experts. Those who are not experts do not have the right, nor capacity, to judge an expert.

In return, the experts promise to wield their mystical powers on behalf of the plebeians. Should their power fail them, it is only the plebeian's lack of faith that is to blame.

Whether the colleges, the agencies and hospitals of the modern day, or the catholic temples and noble lines of yore, the tactic, the motive, and the result remains as always.

For those who recognize this dynamic, this tactic, this group, as it is, the results before us are unsurprising. Because, covid is merely a physical object, a material substance, a class of life near the edge of unlife known as a virus, the biological material known as RNA, a slightly engineered strain of coronavirus with a few cute tricks.

Very little about covid-19 is in any way novel. As a result, the physics involved, the biology involved, is easy and predictable. And so, there are any number of ways to easily end the outbreak whenever we so please. For all that it is a biological weapon with strange new logic, it’s not of such a sophisticated design. It clearly wasn’t built to wipe humanity from the globe, end America, or whatever.

As usual, it was built to achieve exactly what it did. That is, not as a weapon of mass destruction, but as a weapon of terror, one that would crush dissent within China’s borders, and enemies of the state beyond.

With that said, covid is vulnerable to basically anything that targets any coronavirus. While it’s taken on a few new tricks from other viruses spliced in, it also absorbed as many of their weaknesses. Furthermore, purely symptomatic treatment also works just fine.

As an additional note, while American patriots enjoy ranting against China, America’s hands aren’t clean either. The laboratory itself and the experiments conducted within may have been on Chinese soil, but the exploration of gain of function under the sacred auspices of vaccine research was a world wide effort.

On a further note, this is exactly why the belief in strange superstitions, such as vaccination, is so deadly. Of course, humans do have an immune system, it’s even possible to train it such that it is more responsive to future threats even without forcing it to confront those threats directly.

The problem is, vaccines are, at best, a minor part of biosecurity.

Vaccinating against a disease that doesn’t yet exist, forestalling the spread of a disease until a vaccine can be developed for it, such things are not even close to possible.

As such, the reality is that they’re worse than useless. Even ignoring side effects and such, just the very belief in vaccination has already shown itself sufficient to destroy a fourth of the world. Vaccination becomes so destructive that all the health gains since the 1950s cannot add up to the destruction they have wrought in a single year.

It’s the same reason that global warming is a fraud, one that threatens to eliminate humanity altogether, even though carbon dioxide really can change how light interacts with the atmosphere.

That’s usually how these frauds work. It’s the motte and bailey tactic. Say something that’s obviously false, then, when challenged, say something unrelated but obviously true. Then act aggrieved and carry on as if the other side has been repudiated, or in their terms, debunked, discredited, etc.

Which brings up another notable tactic involving, use of words.

In the broad sense, use of words, is in contrast to use of reason. An argument that does not make sense in akashic space, but only gains the veneer of rational order through weakness in the structure of the speaker’s words.

In this case, the speaker takes a term, and then assigns it, producing a special new meaning. That is, a “conspiracy theory”, is a theory that involves government and media cooperating to spread misinformation. Being “debunked” means, an official agency either in government or media, has asserted that they don’t like a given statement. To be “discredited” is, that an agent isn’t liked by media/government. A “peaceful protest” is a riot carried out by left wing agents.

This is also used in regards to proper names. They always name themselves something like, Black Lives Matter, or Antifascist Action. Now, black lives obviously do matter. More broadly, everything matters. Mattering is a question of degree and vector, it’s not a boolean. Air matters, but it doesn’t demand much attention because it’s generally widely available. Dogs also matter, but not enough to declare war on North Korea. In fact, there are even humans in North Korea, and they still don’t matter enough for us to really do anything.

In this sense, the trick is that they’re not actually asserting (Priority of Black Lives) > 0. They’re asserting (Priority of Black Lives) > (Perceived Priority of Black Lives).

The problem here is, this is a statement that goes infinite. That is, any attack is redirected to the motte ((Priority of Black Lives) > 0), which is a truism, and thus always returns True, while the advanced platform is the bailey, ((Priority of Black Lives) > (Perceived Priority of Black Lives)) which mandates that (Perceived Priority of Black Lives) be increased every cycle, ad infinitum. In the end, the resulting platform is (Priority of Black Lives) > (All). Of course, this also implies (Priority of Black Lives) > (Priority of White Lives).

But, there’s actually a deeper problem. That is, Black Lives Matter isn’t actually a principle, it’s an organization. In the end, the policy never reaches the state of black lives mattering, because the priority of the organization Black Lives Matter always supersedes the priority of black lives. Black lives may be enshrined as the church’s god, but Black Lives Matter becomes the priesthood, by invoking mystical power they become the only ones who can interpret and grant meaning to black lives, the speakers for blackness and the hand of equality. In short, because (Priority of Black Lives) > (All) and (Black Lives Matter) = (Salvation for Blacks), (Black Lives Matter) > (All), to include black businesses, black homes, and of course, black lives.

The key, in each setup, is to not buy into the other side’s language. If possible, it’s best to avoid using their terminology altogether. Remembering which form of a word is being used requires mental energy, so it’s best not to segregate between (conspiracy theory) as a theory involving a conspiracy and (conspiracy theory) as a narrative outside of government media control. (Science) is just the modern priesthood. Unless you’re playing a 4X, there’s a 90% chance that anything you encounter under the label of (science) is straight out government propaganda. If it was actually innovative, it would be called technology, or research, or such. It’s to the point where anyone doing any actual exploration of physical law and the consequences and uses thereof, calls themselves researchers, or engineers, even programmers. The only people left who actually call themselves scientists are the propagandists.

If the word is too intrinsic, if it’s too basic to functional language, then one must remember it under two meanings and compartmentalize the separate contexts. It’s just like how dog refers to a type of quadruped animal, but also refers to an unrelated sausage dish. Once you’re used to the separate contexts, one does not confuse the chaos of (inherently unstable domains), and the chaos of (stuff the writer doesn’t want to think about).

Of course, this language is constantly shifting, as the environment demands. Whatever the priests call themselves, their predictions don’t become any more accurate than before. Over time each brand tends to rot away, and the priests must obtain some new title that makes them look good again.

Originally, science required no certificate, no training, no authority. To be a scientist was merely to do science. And, the predictions of these scientists, made not through study or peer review or the scientific method, but through doing science, were amazingly accurate and useful. And so, the priests, unable to compete with this new branding, started creating artificial scientists. These people couldn’t predict the motion of the stars, nor could they design cheaper, more effective tools. However, they held titles, honors, positions of authority. And in time, they declared themselves the “authentic” scientist, disdaining those “others” as “frauds” resting upon a stolen throne.

Since then, science, and the very concept of science, has been thoroughly dragged through the mud, to the point where the word itself no longer carries the weight it once did. Hence, the transition to “experts”. Science is still around, it’ll still be around for a long time to come. But, it’s treadmilling, just like all the rest.

The elite are clearly terrified that the peasants will rise up and send them to the guillotine, constantly testing the water, constantly pushing the boundary and measuring the pushback with each new tyranny. I would advise them to stop being cowards and get on with it. There’s no way the pathetic patriots of the modern day will stand up to them, the only barrier left before their omnicidal campaign is fear itself.

Even so, perhaps a second protestant revolution will arrive. One where people realize that the laws of economics and biology, of logic and reason, are no more special than the books of god, that all men are endowed by their creation with the means of thought and recognition, that no man may obtain any sort of power but that which exists already within the natural domain.

Short of this, we should expect the edicts of evil gods to keep on accelerating. Endless wars to combat WMD, terrorism, racism, communism, whatever. Uncontrollable epidemics alongside constant rolling shutdowns and arbitrary mandates. Rising prices, inescapable debt, the serfdom of rent. Riots, constant aimless violence, the authority of the police protecting the hand of tyrants, while ignoring the pleas of their victims. Ever expanding licensing, more and longer education, a dwindling pool of opportunity. A dying code of law that gives ever freer rein to those who would rule.

However, the real threat isn’t simply a second dark age. It’s that, this time, the dark age might not end.

Human extinction should not be seen as an outside possibility, but the default, the expected outcome that’s been repeated a number of times that approaches the unfathomable. This is the result that best matches our observed reality, one where life should have developed countless times, in countless places, yet exists nowhere, in nothing. We, who look upon a dead galaxy, should expect death.

If we are to survive, it must only be by taking this warning seriously, to actively choose good, to reject evil gods and their lying prophets. For, evolution favours neither the righteous nor the true, but only the strong. For, the only strength given to the noble, is that they are noble, that, the only path for good to triumph over evil, is for those with the power of reason, to see it as it is, and fight at its side, because it is good.