Saturday, November 12, 2016

Democrats have only themselves to blame for Trump

With the election concluding, democrats are in total shock. Some cried. Some rioted. They couldn't believe it. News articles ask "how did Trump beat the odds?" "How do we explain Trump to our children?"

Of course, for those who reside outside liberal fantasy land (AKA the mainstream media. But, that title is becoming questionable as more Americans flee their pastures in search of greener news sites.)
this election wasn't surprising in the least. It didn't take much research to know that the election was tight. So...

Why were so many people blindsided by this?

Most notably-
The polls. You see, these supposedly reliable, established newspapers were lying. They were lying blatantly. But, many Americans have grown so trusting of them that they'll believe anything with the proper stamps on it.

(BTW, trusting a source unconditionally is always a bad thing. Liars are always on the hunt for trustworthy brands to impersonate. Just because someone calls himself a scientist, or a journalist or even a member of a known, reliable organization, doesn't mean he actually is what he says he is. Liars are, by their nature, also con men. The first step towards the truth, is not being conned.)

The media has been a font of many lies recently. From 9/11 to MH17, government and media have drawn ever closer together. Until now, it's been a profitable relationship. By working together, the two groups lend each other credibility. In turn, powerful entities with tendrils in both organizations can push their agenda.

So, what did the media, the establishment, Hillary and her empire, and the rest of the left wing's shadow rulers have to gain by rigging the polls? And why did they think they could get away with it?

Rigging the polls wasn't about winning the election. Artificially inflated poll numbers may dishearten some opponents, but many will panic and try harder to make up for their weaker position. Meanwhile, supporters become complacent, imagining that they don't have to vote to win.

Hillary et al had a deeper purpose, a longer plan. They didn't just want to win the election, they wanted to discredit their opposition and open the path to unchecked power. They wanted to push their message that "Deplorables have no place in this country, and certainly no place in government." They needed to project an image wherein not only did Trump lose, but he lost miserably, without ever getting anywhere close to winning.

Of course, they didn't imagine that the vote would go against them. Once Trump was the candidate, Hillary thought she had won. In fact, her entire scheme revolved around this concept. As shown by wikileaks, not only did she rig the democratic primary for herself, she also collaborated with the media to insure that Trump won the republican primary.

However, soon the empire of shadows was experiencing setbacks and errors. A path that should have been trivial started winding, bucking, and finally crumbling. The first mistake was this-

Even if you write the code yourself, the computer might not do what you expect it to.

In the same way, their plans were too complicated, too bold, too multifaceted. With only one chance at the election, they weren't able to error test their code. But they still came up with a spaghetti code monstrosity as their weapon of choice.

While Trump didn't write the code himself, he knew it as well as Hillary. So, he worked within it, focusing his campaign around swing states and gathering more "votes per voter" than his opponent. Meanwhile, Hillary spent all her time solidifying her support in New York and California.

Here we also see an example of the democrats drowning in their own propaganda. Trump knew Hillary, he knew the establishment, he understood exactly what they were thinking. At the beginning of the primaries he intentionally positioned himself as the "worst possible candidate" and when the democrats bit, he backtracked on his worst statements and repositioned himself for victory. The democrats, entangled by their own propaganda, were forced to double down on how racist and anti-mexican Trump was.

In this, Trump used an interesting tool of psychology, one that Hillary employs herself to great avail. You see, when humans observe something unbelievable, they try to confirm it by looking for the same phenomena elsewhere. In politics, this is an effective get out of jail free card. Whether it's shooting a virtual street walker, or cheating in the debates, if you don't repeat it, you're fine. Regardless of how blatant your actions were. Trump's scandals were all one off events, so his fans entered the denial phase of information processing, and didn't leave it.

Trump played Hillary and the media, forcing them to hold the line on poor defensive territory.

As Trump's master plan unfolded, the democrats found themselves entangled in their own lies. If they tried to defend against Trump, that would be an admission that he was winning the election. The democrats redoubled their lies and prayed that Trump's personality would cause him to self destruct.

Additionally, they were holding what they considered a trump card- Trump's "Locker room talk"

This should have worked.

The reason things didn't develop according to plan was due to two factors-
The media failed to maintain control of the narrative.
Hillary was incompetent.

The media, and by extension, the democrats, thought they had a deadlock on the flow of information. They were wrong. Information seeped in to the public from alt-news sources, including social media and wikileaks. Verboten imagery such as Hillary collapsing on 9/11/2016 quickly reached every corner of America, despite the media's best attempts to squelch it. And, of course, Hillary's scandals quietly bubbled up around her. Each scandal was minor alone. Not many voters turned on her because she laughed at a child rape victim, or because of her cattle futures, but together, each voter had a high chance at finding a scandal that insured they couldn't support Hillary with a clear conscious.

From here, Hillary dug her own grave. She called half of Americans "deplorables" or "naive children", she insulted voters for not giving her a "50 point lead", she dismissed the deaths of her own soldiers with a "what difference does it make?".

The campaign became a 50/50 coin flip.

The powers that be wanted to cement a deathgrip on the nation by placing their kingpin in the heart of the government. They realized from the beginning that the people wouldn't easily accept this, so they chose the worst candidate imaginable as her opponent.

But for many, for those who understood the depths of Hillary's depravity, of the breadth of her organization, the worst imaginable candidate was Hillary herself.

The democrats, rigged both primaries in an insane "Hillary or Bust" mission. When the warning lights started blaring, they panicked. They couldn't just admit that they had lied, that they were losing, that they needed new leadership if they were escape a nightmare of their own making.

And so, Trump became president.

As I said previously, Trump is a narcissist/sociopath with a tendency towards fascism. But, he isn't the sole power of the nation, and he isn't intentionally trying to get us all killed.

Hillary had the backing of the media, the shadow government, the crony capitalists, and more. Unlike Trump, who is in this to feel good about himself, to one up the people around him, she has an insane plan to save the world via her "New World Order". One of the most striking moments of the campaign, was when Hillary called a particular speech of Trump's vulgar. Not one where he was insulting minorities or hunting for women. No, all Trump was doing was growing grass. She doubled down on this anti-market rhetoric, most notably in her "Tested" advertisement. The fact of the matter is, Hillary has a passionate belief in a crazy scheme to save the world, but is also some sort of "reverse marxist" who doesn't believe in physical work, and in fact, is openly disgusted by it. This same attitude of ignoring physical reality and "doing what's right, damn the costs" can be seen in establishment foreign policy, highlighted nicely when Roger Wicker asked Dunford what it would take to establish no fly zones in Syria.

Considering the depths of Hillary's insane ideology, and the fact that she, unlike Trump, actually had a power structure capable of making her darkest dreams a reality, I would say the American people made the better choice.

Of course, it wasn't the right choice. The right choice would have been the elimination of representative democracy. Failing that, America could have elected Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Lucy Lou or... anyone outside the two party system.

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